Washington Mutual Bank Credit Card Reviews

This content is not provided by Washington Mutual Bank. Any opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the author's alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by Washington Mutual Bank. Review content is powered by Finance Globe.

Title: Received About A Month Ago
Date Reviewed: 2008-03-06 16:51:50 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: I received a pre-approved letter in the mail last month. Figured I would give it a shot basically just for the REAL FICO score and the APR wasn't that bad at 9.99 fixed. Instantly approved for $6500 with scores in the low 700's. So far I have nothing bad to say about them!

Title: Ok Card
Date Reviewed: 2008-03-08 19:50:19 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: Applied for this card in April of 2007, with a FICO score of 667 and was approvevd for $1000. The 0% intro not bad, plus the transuion FICO score too you can view was not bad either.

Title: Approved - High CL - Good T&Cs
Date Reviewed: 2008-03-29 23:53:07 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: I just got approved for the WaMu VISA platinum following my reply to a mailing. Appli info: Income: just above $100k Credit scores at that time: TU: 683, EX: 703, EQ: 712 Requested transfer of 4 balances for a total of $6,000, including Corporate Cards APPROVED ONLINE WITH $10,000 credit limit. My credit history is quite short (1 year) as I moved to the US but have always paid on time and carried low balances as much as I could. Note that I transferred balances from card that are not seen on my credit reports. I will publish more info upon reception of the card. Intro APR: 0% for 18 months on purchase; 11.99% on Balance Tr. No balance transfer fees. Free online FICO score (one reason I got the card) Only 1% commission on purchase abroad (another strong reason why I chose this card, this compared to 3% comm. Most card issuers charge). I hope to get the card in the mail within a week. Best.

Date Reviewed: 2008-04-07 14:37:24 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: WAMU has just received 5 Billion from the private equity firm TPG thus a takeover from Chase is highly unlikely. So soothsayers like Porgy who were adamant about Chase taking over WAMU and closing all sub-prime customers accounts need to clean their crystal balls. Moreover, shares of WAMU increased by 10.6% to 11.25 after plummenting 70% 6 months ago. This is an indication that WAMU can rebound from its current financial crisis and keep customers who are also rebuilding too.

Title: Approved!
Date Reviewed: 2008-04-07 22:18:21 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: I got approved for this card today! Oh yeah, review #1300! Got approved for a $2k limit! My FICO scores range from 650-700! Will update when card comes!!

Title: Ahem. . .approved!
Date Reviewed: 2008-04-19 02:47:57 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: I started a checking and savings with Wamu in December; applied for their Platinum MasterCard and was denied at that time. I walked into my branch and re-applied last week and this time got approved. I received the Welcome Packet today stating my card was on its way and amazingly the CL is $4500. I was happy Wamu showed me a little love even if it took a little bit of time.

Title: They Upgrade
Date Reviewed: 2008-05-11 16:33:40 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: I got this card back in January through a pre-approval. Instant @ 1000 with their usual 8.9% offer. About three weeks ago they sent me a letter to inform me they have upgraded my account and asked if I wanted cash back or reward points. I took the cash back. Now I'm just waiting on my CLI... LOL!!!

Title: Excellent Without Much Benifits
Date Reviewed: 2008-06-11 16:06:01 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: Nov 07 was approved with CL of 4500. TU score was 734 Was my first prime card which opened doors to other primes there after I pay in full so I was looking for no spending limit and with miles as bonus! WAMU didn't have much sexyness to but my first prime

Title: WaMu Platinum
Date Reviewed: 2008-06-21 22:09:16 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: After a few times of being denied, they finally approved me for $750. Its not a lot but after steady improvement on my credit scores its good. 0% on purchases and balance transfers for the first 6 mos. 16.9% APR. A month after I get approved for a MyPoints Visa also issued by WaMu. Seems to be an easier card to get if your score is in the 600s.

Title: CLI
Date Reviewed: 2008-07-11 07:43:49 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: I have had this card since Jan 08 with an initial CL of 1.3k (I pay off the balance each month). I went to access my account to set up a payment and to my utter shock they gave me an additional 1.5k. Now my total CL is 2.8k. I really did not expect to receive anything from them this quickly. I thought I had to wait at least a year.

Title: Approved For Another Wamu Visa.
Date Reviewed: 2008-07-21 13:35:43 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: I received another pre-approval in the mail and applied online today. Well, they gave me another card with a limit of 1300 dollars, no annual fee, and 0% APR for until Feb 1, 2009. My other Wamu Platinum Visa has a limit of 1000 dollars. I will combine both cards in the future since both don't have annual fees. Wamu must like me. I did not check my scores before I applied but I must assume they were good enough for me to get a second card from them with a limit higher than the first.

Title: Beware
Date Reviewed: 2008-07-21 19:46:40 | Recommended?: No

Review: I have had this card for 2 months. I received a preapproval in the mail. I went on line to make a payment from my saving account, and I called to make sure that a saving account would be acceptable. The representative told me that it was fine as long as a had the routing number and account number. Much to my surprise when I looked online at my account the payment was returned. I talked to 6 different representatives, and 2 supervisor, and I was assured that the payment was ok. A couple of days later, I received a letter that stated my payment was returned. I called wamu again, and was told that they would rerun the payment after I called the bank to get a separate routing number for a saving account. I spoke to my bank and was told that there was no separate rounting number for a saving account. I called wamu again, and finally was told that I could not use a saving account. Finally I used a checking account and the payment went through. Much to my surprise, I view my accoount today and saw that my account was closed by wamu. I called again spoke to two different reps before finally getting to a senior accounts rep. I was told that due to so many check returns, the account had been closed. I was very upset, because wamu did not look at the account to see what had happened, they just closed the accoun t and said that I would receive a letter in mail. The senior accounts rep said that due to the nature of the account, he would put in a request to have the account reinstated. Needless to say that if a company could do such a thing, then I'd rather not have this card

Title: Providian -> WaMu (My Experiences)
Date Reviewed: 2008-07-29 13:45:15 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: Here's my take on this card. I opened this account in 09/2003. My limit was $3500.00. I used the card to make some balance transfers (good deals) which pretty much maxed it out. 06/2004 I paid off the remaining balance, $-2595.58. I messed up on the full payoff so I sent another check three days later for $28.56. My checking account had $14,901.00 balance but for some reason, Providian charged me a $20.00 overdraft charge. They blamed my bank, my bank said "what the heck?". I should have pursued it but I was in school taking 23 unit and working full time :(. With my balance at $48.56, I did another balance transfer for the max again. Six months later I paid that balance off, $-3098.51, on 01/2005. Since 01/2005. I used this card for purchases. My total payments from this date to today have been $6074.21, my total finance charges from this date to today have been $904.15. In 09/2006, I was stuck in Portland, Oregon and couldn't get back home (Southern California). I went to the Library to pay my bill online. My online banking said the payment would arrive on 09/13/06, the due date and the earliest it would accept. Providian showed my payment arriving on 09/20/06. They charged me a late fee of $39.00 and jacked my rate from 17.24% to 24.24%. My bank said it was a transfer error that was Providian's fault. Three calls to Providian: 1st, the lady had IQ problems. She said my payment was received 10/13/06 and that the 09/20/06 payment was for the month before. Therefore I was late 30 days. Um, we're having an earth quake. 11:43 AM 7/29/08.

Title: Approved
Date Reviewed: 2008-08-26 11:37:47 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: I received a pre-approval in the mail the other day and decided to apply online. I was approved immediately with a $2,500 CL. 0% APR for 6 months and no annual fee. It sounds like a great card so far. Credit score was 721 when I applied and all of my cards had a $0 balance.

Title: Good Card So Far
Date Reviewed: 2008-09-01 15:58:57 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: Got a pre-approval letter in the mail for this card. Letter stated "up to" $30K limit. I have often thought of getting a Wamu card due to the PFICO that comes with it, but kept reading about all of the bad things Wamu has been doing with their cardmembers. I recently have been reading how Wamu has adopted the new "standards" that are being introduced to congress for credit card practices, even though they are not required yet to do so. I thought I would give them a try. I have not been disappointed yet! I received the full $30K offer and have spoken with several Customer service folks, which were all very nice and helpful. While I admit that I have yet to have this card for even a single statement cycle yet, I have been impressed so far. Card came with a %0 balance transfer until October 2009. While I will not use this feature, it is nice to have. They pulled hard on TU, and my scores are 787 (TU), 808 (exp),738 (equ), and 982 (vantagescore)

Title: GReat Card! Free Credit Check!
Date Reviewed: 2008-09-21 16:19:08 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: This card is awesome, the only thing I don't enjoy is that they still send me paper statements, step into the green era, and the 21st century Washington Mutual! They do offer online bill pay but they don't offer a paperless option. I love getting my files in PDF, I hate having huge stacks of mail and wasting trees! When I applied to this card my score was in the high 500s and I was approved! 9.99 APR no annual fee... That's how I like it... I also love the credit score feature, every month (after the first 3 months) they show you your credit score monthly which is awesome for people like me that came from a 780 and went down to a 550 from some bad decisions. It seems really good about first time re builders(and hopefully last) like me and to make sure that your credit score is going up not down!

Title: Washington Mutual Visa Platinum
Date Reviewed: 2008-09-21 16:26:03 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: Washington Mutual has been good to me. Interest rate 8.9% and rewards. Had the card since 2005. They came through for me when I had a BK 09/2001. Love my Washington Mutual Card. Account transferred to Chase.

Title: Washigton Mutual
Date Reviewed: 2008-09-22 08:43:42 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: I received a pre-approved letter in the mail this month. Instantly approved for $25,000 with scores in the high 800's.

Title: Finally A Unsecured Card
Date Reviewed: 2008-09-22 19:56:17 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: I finally got approved for a unsecured credit card. Slowly but surely I'll get back on my feet again. tran-688 exp- 645 equi- 615

Title: Never Drink And Apply
Date Reviewed: 2008-10-24 13:25:15 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: Went out afer work with a few friends the other night. When I got home decided to go through my mail... Trash, trash, a bill trash(just joking), oh, pre-approval letter. I open "... You are pre-approved up to 7,500..." By the way, this is for WAMU. Though I told myself I would not apply for anything else those little credit card devils were on both my shoulder saying "do it, doit". As I stumbled to my computer and went to the invitation site and filled everything out, the love button looked like another Baracadi and Coke. I went to pick it up and before I knew it, I see that checker light going from left to right (processing). It came back approved for 5K. I turned off the computer and went to bed. When I woke, I don't know which was worse, the hang-over and that additional inquiry on my credit report. The moral... Never Drink and Apply.

Title: Weird Experience
Date Reviewed: 2008-11-30 15:14:30 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: Received a pre-approved offer via US mail for this card. I went to the site www.Getmymcard.com (something like that) and entered the reservation number but it would not accept it. It constantly said "invalid registration number" I finally gave up on it. Last week I received the card in the mail. *shrugs* I have no idea how, but I called to activate and a foreign sounding gentleman answered, was very polite & helpful but really didn't offer any insight into how I obtained this card. I definitely did not apply for it. Either way, he activated it and congratulated me on becoming a wamu customer. CL is $2500.00 Has anyone else experienced this kind of thing with WAMU? Thanks *~Tia~*

Title: Don't Know Why I Applied!
Date Reviewed: 2008-12-06 15:40:03 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: Yes I was approved for $500 Dollar limit. This is a somewhat disapointing CLI. All FICO scores above 700. The features of the card are great. I thought they would give me a better CLI. Since I have a WAMU Platinum Mastercard and have used it a lot & keep it payed off. It still has an embarassingly low $500 Dollar CLI also. With this bank I would like to know what it takes to get a CLI. I Don't want to take a hit on my bureau reports for canceling them. However I will if they don't make it a decent CL. Otherwise they're a waste of space in my wallet and on my credit reports! Not sure about WAMU!!!

Title: Received A Pre-approved Offer
Date Reviewed: 2008-12-12 23:21:29 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: I received a pre-approved application I applied online and was instantly approved for 2000 CL. I was able to transfer Balances on to this card with no interest for a year. First purchase I instantly received 2500 points. The online account services give you your credit score along with info from your credit report. Also it has discounts on many vendors sites as well as ESPN web sites, not that I could ever spend enough but if you earned enough point you can get a VIP trip to the superbowl with feil passes the works. This is a nice card. Low interest rate as well.

Title: An Interest Slammer
Date Reviewed: 2008-12-23 13:37:27 | Recommended?: No

Review: I had a Visa account the was first providian (my first card)that was bought out by Washington Mutual and they immediately increased my rate to 24%. I left the card in a drawer for 2 years and only had a 1 reoccurring charge on it for my gym... Which I paid off every month. Then When taken over by chase they slammed me again. Raising it to 42%. I have for 3 months been battling with them to lower it... Capital on and discover lowered theirs to keep me as a cardholder. I just closed both my accounts with them after they could not give me a good reason for lowering it... Just kept reading a script about them notifying me in one of my bills and I should have closed them out at that time. I just closed both my accounts with both having 10,000 credit limits. I'll take the hit on my FICO score not to be a victim anymore... So much for the bailout!!!

Title: Good CL But HIGH APRS!
Date Reviewed: 2009-06-05 16:59:24 | Recommended?: Yes

Review: Opened this account 6/07. $1,300 CL and 0% for 6 months then 14.9% after.$0 AF. Had no problems to report the first year of card usage. Suddenly for no reason what so ever, my APR was raised to 29.99%! I NEVER missed a payment and was NEVER late! I have completely paid this card off, and only keep it for emergencies. CSR gave me a scripted response about the APR... And wouldnt give CLI. Dont carry balances with this one! Was hoping for better since it was purchased from Chase.

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* See the online bank credit card application for details regarding terms and conditions for offers. When you click on the "Apply Now" button, CreditWeb will connect you to the offer, then the page will be redirected in a few seconds.

1 Advertiser Disclosure: The card offers that appear on this site are from companies from which CreditWeb receives compensation. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site, including the order in which they appear. We do not include all credit card companies or all card offers available in the marketplace. Please see the credit card application for details about the offer as well as the terms and conditions.

Editorial Note: Opinions expressed here are the author's alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by the credit card issuer.

2 FICO scores/credit scores are used to represent the credit-worthiness of a person and may be one indicator to the credit type you are eligible for. However, a credit score alone does not guarantee or imply approval for any credit card product.
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