If you’re someone who regularly uses credit cards for your daily transactions, it’s worth considering switching to a rewards credit card. Rewards credit cards offer a wide range of benefits that can help you save money and earn rewards on your purchases. Here are 5 reasons why you should “trade up” to a rewards credit card.…
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Chris Bibey
5 Reasons to “Trade Up” to a Rewards Credit Card
Should You Negotiate With Your Credit Card Company?
Many people never think twice about the terms and conditions associated with their credit card. Even if they have some questions and concerns, they assume that there’s nothing they can do. And if they do decide to take action, canceling their credit card is the first thing that comes to mind.…
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It May be Time for a New Credit Card
While many people keep the same credit card their entire life, this could be a mistake. There are times when it’s best to apply for a new credit card, as opposed to relying on the same one year after year.
Here are some situations in which you should consider this:
- Poor customer service: If you’re not getting top of the line customer service from your credit card company, it can eventually wear on you.
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Check Out These Credit Card Articles
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people find themselves dealing with unexpected financial circumstances. Since there is no way of knowing what the future will bring, the best thing you can do is focus on the here and now.
In addition to gaining a clear understanding of your financial
situation and how to maintain stability during these uncertain times, you can
also turn to a variety of resources for advice and guidance.…
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Benefits of a Balance Transfer Credit Card
How many credit cards do you have to your name? How many balances do you have? Are you looking for a way to consolidate these debts?
Even with the best intentions, it’s easy to get into a
situation in which you have multiple credit card balances. This isn’t always
dangerous, but it can eventually take a toll on your finances.…
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What Does Your Perfect Credit Card Look Like?
Before applying for a credit card, it’s critical to have a thorough understanding of what’s most important to you. In other words, what does your perfect credit card look like?
You may never find an offer that suits your every requirement, but that doesn’t mean you can’t come close.
It’s important to note that what you consider to be the perfect
credit card may not suit the needs of the next consumer, and vice versa.…
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Questions for a Credit Card Issuer Before Applying
You’ve spent plenty of time comparing credit card offers with hopes of finding the perfect one. You’re almost ready to apply, but aren’t totally sure if now’s the right time to move forward.
It’s common to take a step back when you’re close to the end of the road. However, if you let your fear get the best of you, you may never end up with a credit card that can improve your financial circumstances while providing a high level of convenience.…
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Should You opt for an Exclusive Credit Card?
In the world of credit cards, there are offers that almost anyone can apply for and offers that are exclusive to only a select group of consumers.
If you’re intrigued at the idea of carrying an exclusive
credit card, there’s nothing wrong with learning more. Even if you never
proceed with the application process, the information you collect can be
valuable to your future.…
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The Benefits of Carrying Multiple Credit Cards
Some individuals carry one credit card. Some carry none at all. And then there are those who have come to enjoy the benefits of multiple credit cards.
It’s not the right financial approach for everyone, but there are a variety of benefits associated with carrying multiple credit cards. Here are some reasons to consider it:
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Business Financing Resources: Get the Money You Need
Has the time come for your business to receive a cash infusion? Are you wondering where to turn for the money you need?
When it comes to business financing, there is no shortage of
options. For example, business credit cards are extremely popular, as good or
excellent credit allows you to open an account with favorable terms.…
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